5 the impact of positive and negative Forced Planting

5 the impact of positive and negative Forced Planting

Forced or planting in the Netherlands language better known as the cultuur stelsel, is an idea that was conceived by a Governor General of the Netherlands named Johannes Van den Bosch. In the forced Indonesia's own cropping is a very aggrieved parties, while profits from planting forced most to Netherlands. In practice, the forced cultivation were fully supervised by officers of the nation's Netherlands. Meanwhile the workers would get a wage or often called as procenten cultuur.

Wages earned will depend on the collected results sebera then handed over to the Netherlands. With a system like that then the executor planting forcibly justify all means to achieve great results, resulted in distortions of the cropping system implementation force, such abuses include:

  1. People focus more export quality, planting crops than rice paddy fields or to manage the local plants.
  2. For the people who do not have land to work extra hard to exceed the specified time.
  3. Ration land for export crops exceeding one fifth of the entire land under cultivation.
  4. When there is an excess of panan, results are not returned to the farmers.
  5. Crop failures became the responsibility of the people.

The impact of positive and negative Forced Planting of the VOC

The implementation of the forced planting resulted in a great impact for the people of Indonesia be it positive or negative impact. Here is more explanation:

Positive Impact

  1. The people of Indonesia to know the technique of planting various types of new plants.
  2. The people of Indonesia know plants with export quality.

The Negative Impact

  1. The physical and mental suffering because they work too hard.
  2. A great tax
  3. Local farming rice in particular experienced a failed harvest.
  4. Starvation and death everywhere
  5. Decrease in the total population of Indonesia
That's the summary of the negative and positive impact of the establishment of the method of planting the axis in Indonesia by parties to the VOC or the Netherlands.


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