Drug Drug types of Narcotics and dangerous drugs that have been popular in urban dimasyarakat as well as circulating in the countryside, including for law enforcement.
In addition to drugs, another term was introduced specifically by the Ministry of health of INDONESIA is an abbreviation for Narcotic DRUGS, namely, Pasikotropika and other addictive substances. All this term actually refers to a group of substances that are generally have the risk of being called dangerous by the society that is addiction (adiksi).

A drug or DRUGS is material/substance when entering into the body will affect the body particularly the brain/central nervous makeup so when misused will cause physical, psychic disorders/mental and social functions. Therefore the Government enacting laws for drug abuse, namely Act No. 5 of year 1997 on psychotropic drugs and law No. 22 of the year 1997 concerning narcotics.

The psychotropic substances are substances natural or good medicine or a synthetic Narcotic that is nutritious but not active against psychiatric (psychoactive) through its influence on the arrangement of the central nervous giving rise to certain necessary changes in mental activity and behavior.

Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or synthetic or plant is not good semisintetis that will cause the change of awareness, reduce to eliminate pain and can lead to dependency (adiksi).

Types of frequently abused Drug is heroin, morphine (putauw), petidin, including cannabis or marijuana, hashis, kanabis and cocaine.

While the types of psychotropic drugs are often abused are amphetamines, ecstasy, shabu, a sedative such as rohypnol, mogadon, dumolid, lexotan, pil koplo, BK, including LSD, Mushroom.

Other addictive substances are substances not Narcotic psychotropic drugs such as alcohol/& ethanol or methanol, tobacco, gas inhaled (an inhalant) and solvents (solven).

OPIATES or Opium (opium)

Is the natural Narcotics are often used in ways smoked (inhalation).
• Raises a sense of busyness (rushing sensation)
• Raises the spirit
• Feel time goes slow.
• dizziness, loss of balance/drunk.
• Feeling of lust increases stimulation (sexual inhibitions are lost).
• a problem skin around mouth and nose


It is the active substances (narcotic) derived from opium through chemical processing. Generally contain 10% opium morphine. How to use injected under the skin, into a muscle or vein (intravenous)
o Cause euphoria.
o nausea, vomiting, shitting hard large sewers.
o confusion (konfusi).
o sweating.
o can cause fainting, heart palpitations.
o restless and mood swings.
o dry mouth and face color changed.

HEROIN or Putaw

A powdery white pure heroin while heroin is not pure white keabuan (street heroin). This substance is very easy to penetrate the brain so that it reacts more strongly than morphine itself. Commonly used injected or smoked.

 Arose a very quick sense of busyness/rushing sensastion (± 30-60 seconds) followed by a sense of fun as the dream of peace and contentment or equanimity (euphoria). Want to always be alone to enjoy it.
 the pulse slows.
 blood pressure decreases.
 muscles into limp/relaxes.
 Diaphragm eyes (pupil) shrinking (pin point).
 Reduce even eliminate confidence.
 Formed his own world (dissosial): unfriendly.
 Deviation behavior: lie, cheat, steal, criminal.
 Dependence can occur within a few days.
 side effects arise difficulties sexual drive, the difficulty of disposing of his big, heart palpitations, redness and itching around the nose, sleep habit disorders arise.

 If the tolerance, the more easily depressed and angry while euphoric effects the more mild or short

MARIJUANA or kanabis

Derived from plant kanabis sativa and indica kanabis. At this plant contained 3 main substances, namely tetrahidrokanabinol, kanabinol and kanabidiol. Usage in a manner resembling the compacted smoked cigarettes or pipes smoking.
• heart rate or pulse faster.
• dry mouth and throat.
• Feel more relaxed, a lot of talk and be merry.
• Difficult to remember something.
• the difficulty of performance that requires concentration, quick reaction and coordination.
• sometimes being aggressive even violence.
• When the use is stopped can be accompanied by headaches, nausea, prolonged taste of fatigued/tired.
• Disturbance of sleep habits.
• sensitive and restless.
• sweating.
• Fantasize.
• increased appetite.


The acid in the form of white crystals of cocaine, a slightly bitter taste and are more soluble than alkaline free-form does not smell and taste bitter. The name of the street is sometimes called koka, coke, happy dust, snow, charlie, srepet, snow, white. Abused by way of inhaling that is divided into sections of a pile of cocaine lined up straight on top of the glass surfaces and objects that have a flat surface. Then inhaled by using vacuum or roll of paper. The other way is burned along with tobacco is often called cocopuff. Inhaling cocaine risky cuts around the nostrils.
 Cause joy, excitement overload (ecstasy).
 Incitement (agitation), anxiety, alertness and sex drive.
 long-term use reduces weight.
 problem skin.
 convulsions, breathing difficulties.
 Often secrete mucus or phlegm.
 Smoked cocaine damage the lung (emphysema).
 Slows digestion and cover up the appetite.
 Paranoid.
 feel like there's a tick that propagate on the skin (cocaine bugs).
 eyesight (snow light).
 confusion (konfusi).
 talk like swallowing (slurred speech).


Generic name/derivatives of amphetamines is D-pseudo epinefrin who first synthesized in 1887 and 1932 years marketed as a nasal blockage deduction (a decongestant). Form of powder white and grayish. There are 2 types of amphetamines i.e. MDMA (methyl dioksi metamfetamin) also known by the name of ectacy. Another fantacy name pils, inex. Metamfetamin work longer than MDMA (can be up to 12 hours) and stronger halusinasinya effect. The name of the other shabu, SS, ice. How to use in the form of pills taken. In Crystal form is burned with aluminum foil and paper use the smoke through the nose, smoked or burned by wearing a specially designed glass bottles (bong). In the form of a Crystal can also be dissolved through injection into a vein (intravenous).
 the heart feels palpitations (heart thumps).
 Body Temperature rises/fever.
 can't sleep.
 feel very festive (euphoria).
 Cause incitement (agitation).
 talk much (his talkativeness).
 became more bold/aggressive.
 loss of appetite.
 the mouth dry and thirsty.
 Sweat.
 increased Blood Pressure.
 nausea and pain.
 headache, dizziness, tremor/shaking.
 Arises a sense of weary, fearful and depressed in recent days.
 fragile Teeth, gums shrink due to lack of calcium.


Sedatives (sedative) and hipnotikum (sleeping pills). The name of the streets among other BDZ BK, Lexo, MG, Rohip, Dum. How to use BDZ can be drunk, injected intravenously, and through the rectum. Some were drinking BDZ reached more than 30 tablets at once. Lethal dose/lethal is not known with certainty. When the BDZ mixed with other substances such as alcohol, putauw can be fatal because it depresses the respiratory Center System. Generally doctors giving these drugs to overcome anxiety or panic as well as the influence of sleep as its main effect, e.g. aprazolam/Xanax/Alviz.
Will reduce the self-control and decision making.
Be very indifferent or unconcerned and when injected will add to the risk of infected with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B, C due to the use of needles & together.

Sleeping pills/hipnotikum mainly the barbiturates can be misused e.g. seconal.
 Occurring Disorders prolonged concentration and skill.
 Eliminate worries and tension (tension).
 strange behavior or show signs of confusion thought process.
 Appears happy and relaxed.
 talk like while swallowing (slurred speech).
 limping Way.
 can't give an opinion well.


Is steam a volatile material which is inhaled. E.g. aerosols, aica aibon, fill a gas lighter, liquid for dry cleaning, tinner, gasoline vapor. Generally used by minors or the underprivileged/street children. The use of chronical toluen found on the glue can cause damage to the function of the intelligence of the brain.
 initially feeling a little horny.
 can eliminate self-control or inhibitions function.
 Breathing to be slow and difficult.
 Unable to make decisions.
 Looks drunk and way stagger.
 nausea, coughing and sneezing.
 loss of appetite.
 Hallucinations.
 be aggressive Behavior/dare or even violence.
 could happen to stop the heart (cardiac arrest).
 excessive Consumption can cause damage to brain nerves settle, muscle fatigue, heart rhythm disorders, inflammation of the membranes of the eyes, liver and kidney damage and disorders of the blood and bone marrow. Redness occurs who settled around the nose and throat.
 Can crash that caused the death of them due to the fall, kebakar, sinking is generally due to intoxication/poisoning and often alone. bat intoxication/poisoning and often alone.


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