The young generation is a Rod holder relay future nation. Youth is the next generation and the leader of the nation should be prepared to achieve the ideals of the nation. The younger generation has a huge role as a subject or as object in the development on the present and the future. Competence and competitiveness of youth are an integral part of the development of the characters face the global challenges.

The younger generation is beralihnya someone from childhood toward adolescence or young with accompanying physical and non physical development (physical, emotional, the pattern of his mind and so on). Youth according to the Ministry of youth and sports is a citizen of Indonesia which entered an important period of growth and development of 16-30 years old. While the notion of youth (youth), according to the Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) is as a person who is between the ages of 15-29 years.

According to Aristotle, about the nature of young people, namely young people have passions-passions are very powerful and they tend to satisfy the craving-craving it all without membeda-bedakannya. The human self control carried out by the ratio (makes sense) and the ratio is what determines the direction of human development. The potential of these youth should be built into a resource expert, skilled, and professional. This is particularly important in its role as the nation's next generation.

Youth age amount according to data and information Kemenpora in the year 2010 around 57.81 million or 25.04 per cent of the population of Indonesia totalling 230.87 million. Meanwhile, according to data of the Central Bureau of statistics there are year 2013, the age of productive labor force reached Indonesia 118.19 million people. This indicates that youth is an important economic asset in the construction and economic development in Indonesia especially facing the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). Then the young man a chance to master the great Indonesia ASEAN market. But it's not just a great quantity as related manpower, but also concerns the extent to which its quality. The number of productive age workforce needs to be accelerated the increase both competence development, empowerment and quality of youth potential.

Rapid development of information technology is like a double-edged blade. One side gives the speed of information so as to enable the youth to increase their knowledge and skills. But on the other hand brings a negative impact. The information that is both destructive ranging from pornography, drugs, free association to radicalism and terrorism also enter easily without Weirs can we properly.

In the present conditions of the development of the global issues threatening the existence of the youth. According to Kemenpora, some of the issues that mark the current youth conditions, among others, the question of the low level of interest in reading among young men, the question of drug abuse, thuggery, as well as a lack of youth facilities and infrastructure. And this is a factor that also magnifies the problems of youth.

The drug phenomenon is a multidimensional phenomenon, relating to all aspects of life ranging from health, legal, social and economic. The drug is one of the factors that may threaten national resilience because of the drug abuse by young people from year to year has increased steadily. The rise of the young generation behavior aberrations, can endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because the youth as the next generation is expected to be the successor and leader of the nation, the day the more fragile encroached on by the addictive substances of destruction of nerve brain. This will impact the loss of a generation of the nation (lost generation) in the future.

The problem of drug abuse has become the current global issues in all walks of life including youth. Even President Joko Widodo Indonesia set Emergency drugs. Based on the report of the survey of the development of Processes to drugs in Indonesia year of 2014, is estimated at as much as 3.8 million-4.1 million people or approximately 2.10%-2.25% of the total population of productive age Indonesia. The year 2015 amount to misuse drugs projected ± 2.8% or equivalent to ± 5.1-5.6 million people from a population of Indonesia 10-59 years of age.

Drug misuse in order to try to use the largest proportions of students students. If this condition is not treated immediately, it will arise a bigger problem for our nation in the future, because the younger generation has chained by drugs.

Drug development is increasingly alarming. Along with the development of technology and information, start growing narcotics-narcotics new types or called with New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).

Data report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (DRUG), in 2011 there are 243 types of NPS that is circulating in various countries, that number increased to 251 type in the year 2012, and increased again to become the kind of 348 in the year 2013. DRUG report in 2014 as much as 540 NPS has terindentifikasi. In Indonesia, NPS are circulating in Indonesia and its derivatives amounted to 36 pieces, 18 of which were already set up in the Permenkes number 13 years 2014 to be included in Group 1 of narcotics.

The circulation of drugs developed with different modes, one of which utilize advances in technology the internet network. "DRUG noted that currently there are hundreds of sites online that sell and distribute NPS. The case of the purchase of the narcotic type NPS online already up in Indonesia. One example of a case which was accepted by the Drug Testing Lab Hall BNN is happening diarea parking motor Road Post Office in RS. No. 10 Fatmawati in South Jakarta, where the suspect was found to carry a package of narcotics type NPS (XLR-11) submissions from America. The narcotics in plastic wrap with a different brand, among others, Purple Diesel, Super Strong Incense, Hulk Cush, Fairly Legal, Mad Hatter, and Mr. Nice Guy. So the marketing and sales of narcotics type NPS still belongs to free mainly done by buying and selling online.

Aspects that disturbed due to misuse of the NPS is apart from the health aspect also influences other aspects. According to O'Neill, C (2014) misuse of the NPS can harm health, social and economic. The dangers of NPS in terms of most major health is endangering yourself among other mental damage, dependency, physical health problems, poisoning and death.                             

The effect depends on the type of NPS danger NPSnya. There are several types of NPS that effect is stronger when its use along with other substances or other NPS. There are also NPS type that the effect is more danger or more awesome than existing drugs. Based on the type of DRUG to NPS the Synthetic Cathinones and Phenethylamine Class to enhance the effect of its use then it can be done by means of a multiple drugs, namely its use along with other substances so as to strengthen the the perceived effects.

The threat of drugs including NPS threaten the quality of the nation's younger generation of Indonesia. Supported by the NPS in circulation Indonesia was still free because not all NPS are regulated in regulation laws in Indonesia misuse and ignorance to NPS that they consume is the same effect or NPS are more dangerous than the drug There is already a. Among the vulnerable to abuse of the NPS is the younger generation. Destruction of the younger generation will interfere with a national nation and the resilience of youth itself so that it will destroy the nation. Youth is the future leaders of the nation of Indonesia, when already affected drug abuse will ruin all the good structure of the field of social, economic, educational and national resilience as it will change the structure of his thought, social behaviour, visibility and his dream.

The efforts of the handling of drug abuse should be done on a massive and unified ECE in a movement together with relevant agencies both Government, TNI/Polri, private and all components of society to implement the strategy that blends reduction of inventory (supply reduction) and a reduction in demand (demand reduction) "so that the Program of prevention, Eradication, and Illicit Drugs (P4GN) can be successful. Necessary seriousness and kebersinambungan actions in multiple dimensions, such as the eradication of which remain fierce with the seizure of assets of drug syndicates, vigilance against the threat of new types of narcotics, the tolerant attitude of law enforcement in addressing  processes in order to drug-oriented rehabilitation and enhanced with revitalizing prevention efforts and the empowerment movement against drug abuse.

Preventative measures, prevention of drug abuse among young people of the nation of Indonesia is to do with giving educational socialization to society especially the young generation about the dangers of drugs through a variety of media, early education through school by entering your hazards of drugs into the school curriculum. Coaching volunteer – volunteer anti drugs to accommodate the participation of the community to be able to play a role in tackling drugs in accordance with its potential of each. The role of the family and very supportive environment in the prevention of drug abuse.

In the middle of a range of global challenges, the youth as the hope of Nations must fill the time with positive activities and science accompanied the passion for progress and work, as there is a saying "When my time runs out without the work and knowledge , then what is the meaning of umurku is "(KH. Wahid Hashim). In commemoration of the Youth Oath to 87 with a Mental Revolution theme For Youth Revivals Toward action "one for the Earth". Through a mental revolution youth, we expect the younger generation was born a formidable character, Indonesia, independent and willing to fight for the interests of the nation and the country of Indonesia.  (SH)


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