The Complete History Of The Material Kingdom Of Pajajaran

The Complete History Of The Material Kingdom Of Pajajaran

According to some sources, the history of the Kingdom of Pajajaran starting in 923 ad. In that year, the Kingdom of Pajajaran, founded by Sri Jayabhupati. The story of the establishments described in an inscription called Sanghyang Tapak found in kampung Pangcalikan and Bantarmuncang, Sukabumi. However, there is another version of the story of the Kingdom of Pajajaran, because the existence of the Kingdom is indeed currently a mystery, because there are news saying that some time after it was founded, the Kingdom disappeared without a trace.  

Another version of the story of the Kingdom of pajajaran mentions that the existence of the Kingdom starting in 1475 a.d., namely at the time after the death of Wastu Kencana. The existence of the Kingdom of pajajaran is highly related to the Kingdom of galuh, since in its history, the Kingdom of galuh is split into two after goings Rahyang Niskala Wastu Kencana, gods, and also Prabu Susuktunggal. 

One part of the Kingdom of galuh that split into two the forerunner of the pajajaran Kingdom. Precisely the Kingdom that was in Bogor and in power of the reign of King Susuktunggal. Whereas the Kingdom of the other is the Kingdom of galuh that includes Parahyangan.

The history of the Kingdom of Pajajaran kingdoms starting from earlier, such as the Kingdom of tarumanegara, Kingdom of sunda galuh Kingdom, as well as a kawali. If the statement is, in fact the Kingdom the Kingdom inter-related. And the existence of the Kingdom of pajajaran Kingdom is a continuation of the Kingdom.

The source of the found sources indicate that some King of pajajaran Kingdom lead ever can be traced. Some sources mention the name can be the name of a King who ruled the Kingdom of pajajaran is the Chronicle of pajajaran, carita waruga guru, and the carita parahyangan. Other sources even mention that the Kingdom of pajajaran capital in Pakuan region.

The history of the Kingdom of Pajajaran is actually very long. Some Royal names the predecessor mentioned above are in fact far from it all. However, because it is not found the source of the history that really supports, then reviews the Royal Empire a much older predecessor was minimal. In addition, the mystery of the hilangan Kingdom of pajajaran is like being swallowed by the Earth, still continues to be traced by experts and indeed there has been no definitive answer that can explain it.

Disappearance Of The Kingdom Of Pajajaran

To be precise, the Kingdom of pajajaran were lost in the year 1597 ad. Some sources mention that the Kingdom disappeared or were destroyed due to being attacked by another Kingdom. However, what about the Kingdom of pajajaran Kingdom is attacked then, not many who viewed. It is also still the question that can not be answered unequivocally.

Some sources had said that the Kingdom of pajajaran Kingdom who attacked the Sultanate of banten is led by Maulana Yusuf. However, it is also still not be accepted. Although many people who already want to admit such things as the history of the Kingdom of Pajajaran mystery solvers are missing.

The source of the menyebu that the bantenlah Sultanate invaded the Kingdom of pajajaran shows an evidence form the King from pakuan singgahsana to surasowan which is in banten. And until recently, the existence of which is at singgahsana surasowan that he believed to be evidence that the bantenlah has destroyed the Kingdom of pajajaran without the former.

However, the history of the Kingdom of Pajajaran remains could not be forgotten from the long journey of the Royal Annals housed in the archipelago. There are many inscriptions indicate that the Kingdom of pajajaran is indeed really exist. Some of which are existing slate inscriptions in bogor, pengambat the custodian rakyan inscription, the inscription, the inscription horren astanagede, and others.


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