5 reasons the importance of education

5 reasons the importance of education

Many people think that education is important, but not a few others thought that education was not important. Especially for people who live dipedesaan or remote areas, they consider that education is not important. For them, it is better to work than school. The main reason was certainly predictable, because if it works they could get the money, while the school's hanyabuang waste of money only. In add it again with the current conditions are very hard to find a job. Therefore, I am now going to discuss about the importance of education.

1. Provide knowledge

Direct effect of an education is giving away. Education gives us a lot of knowledge about various things and everything berhu ungan with this world, education can also provide a view to life. Help us form the point of view of life, etc.

2. for a career/job

If the above earlier I said that one of the reasons people consider that education was less important because of school or no school remains hard to find work. Well than that we change our patterns of thought that by educated we'll easily get jobs, keep trying and thinking positive J

3. Building character

Kemabali again that education was very important to us, because it not only gives us knowledge but also teaches us in manners and the correct things. education cultivates us into mature individuals; individuals who are able to plan for the future and take the right decisions in life. And a good education will make us more human.

4. Provide enlightenment

Purging education thoughts in our minds, membantumemberikan a clear picture of things that exist around us so that no confusion. Education was able to rekindle the fire of the spirit in ourselves, the spirit to seek out things that are not yet known, the spirit asked, excitement in the living. Then education able to give enlightenment to anyone.

5. Assist the progress of Nations

Although not listed in 3 basic human needs, education is the same as pentingnnya. Education can help the progress of the nation because the nation's future is safe in the hands of an educated society. Education is important for economic growth and social development of the nation.


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