4 list of Banten Kingdom Remains Intact

4 list of Banten Kingdom Remains Intact

A List Of The Historical Heritage Of The Kingdom Of Banten. Banten was formerly part of the Kingdom of Demak and began to break away after the death of Sultan Trenggono and founded the Kingdom of Banten. The first King who ruled in the Kingdom of Banten is Sultan Hasanuddin. Banten Kingdom reached the peak of glory at the time of the reign of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa IE 1651-1682 year. The Kingdom of Banten officially abolished the year 1813 by the colonial Government of United Kingdom but evidence of Banten Kingdom can still be seen. The following list of relics of the Kingdom of Banten which are:

  • Fort Speelwijk

The Castle Speelwijk is one of the relics of the Kingdom of Banten which was built in 1683. The Fort was built with walls as high as three meters as the bulwark of the Netherlands on the North coast of Banten Province. The Castle Speelwijk is located in kampung Pamarican approximately six hundred meters away from the complex of the Palace Surosowan, Serang.

  • Lake Tasikardi

The heritage of Banten next to Lake Tasikardi located in Margasana village, Serang Banten. Tasikardi is a Sundanese language meaning a man-made lake. With an area of 5 hectares that reaches the bottom coated brick tiles. The Lake was created during the reign of panembahan Sultan Maulana Yusuf who reigned 1570-1580 m. Tasikardi holds the dual role of Lakes, that accommodates the Cibanten River and supplies water to the Palace and the surrounding community.

  • The Great Mosque Of Banten

The great mosque of Banten is also discernible from the shape of the tower was similar to a building of the lighthouse. The mosque was built by Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1552-1570), the first sultan of the Sultanate of Banten. The great mosque of Banten is located in the village of Banten Lama, precisely in the village of Banten, about 10 km north of the city. There is a cemetery in the mosque of sultan of Banten as well as his family.

  • The Cannon Of Ki Running Amok

One of the inherited the Kingdom of Banten still intact is the cannon of Ki running amok or also known as Ki Fetish. Lots of opinions of historians regarding the origins of the cannon of Ki running amok, some say that the cannon of Ki running amok was a gift from Sultan Trenggono to Sunan Gunung Jati. There is also a saying that Cannon of Ki running amok is captured from the Dutch. This cannon helped the Sultanate of Banten in the fight against the invaders. The distance of distant tembaknya and his voice booming, making cannon of Ki running amok as the ultimate weapon as well as make the enemy run riding langgang. This is the origin of the gun is called with the name of the cannon of Ki running amok.


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