Some Efforts Of Prevention, The Eradication Of Drug Abuse

Some Efforts Of Prevention, The Eradication Of Drug Abuse

Methods of drug prevention and the eradication of the most fundamental and
effective is the promotif dam plan. The most practical efforts and real
is repressive. Human effort is curative and rehabilitative programmes.

A. Promotif
Called also preemtif program or coaching programs. This program is intended
to the people who have yet to do drugs, or haven't even
get to know the drugs. The principle is to increase the role of the or
activities so that these groups significantly more prosperous so that it never
thinking to acquire happiness all using drugs.

B. Preventive
Also known as prevention programs. The program is addressed to the public
healthy who have yet to recognize the drug in order to know the ins and outs of drug
so not interested to abuse it.
In addition to done by the Government (relevant agencies), the program is also very
effective if it is aided by the agencies and other institutions, including professional institutions
related, NGOs, CBOs, and a bevy of others.

C. The Curative
Also called treatment programs. Curative programs addressed to users
drugs. The goal is to treat addiction and heal
disease as a result of drug consumption, as well as stop
drug usage.
Not just anyone could treat drug users. Drug usage
often followed by the entry of dangerous diseases and disorders
mental and moral. The treatment should be performed by physicians who study
drugs specifically.
Treatment against drug users is very complicated and requires
the extraordinary patience of doctors, families, and survivors. This is why
Why is the treatment of drug users require a large fee but the results
many have failed. The key to success of treatment is good cooperation
among the doctors, families and survivors.

D Rehabilitative.
Rehabilitation of health restoration effort is body and soul devoted
to drug users who are already undergoing curative. Purpose is to make
He does not wear again and free from diseases caused by the follow-up
former drug usage. Such as physical damage (nerve, brain, blood, heart,
lungs, kidneys, dati and others), mental breakdowns, changes the character to
negative direction, asocial. And followup diseases (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis
and others).
That is why the treatment of drugs without recovery efforts
(rehabilitation) is not useful. After recovering, there are still many other problems
that will arise. All these negative impacts are extremely difficult to overcome.
Therefore, many drug users when "was aware" instead
experiencing despair, then committed suicide.

E. Repressive
The program is penindakan repressive against manufacturers, airports,
dealers and users based on the law.
The program is a government agency which supervises the obligation and
control of production as well as distribution of all substances classified as drugs.
In addition to controlling production and distribution, repressive form of program
penindakan also made against the user as violators of laws
about drugs. The agencies responsible for the distribution, production,
storage, and drug abuse are:
Food and drug agency (POM)
The Department Of Health
Directorate General of customs and Excise
Directorate General Of Immigration
The Police Force Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Attorney General/Prosecutor/State
The Supreme Court (High Court/District Court)


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