10 historic events in Indonesia's most famous

10 historic events in Indonesia's most famous

If you love things about history, certainly you will know what are the most historic events that existed in Indonesia. However, for those of you who want to learn new things, be mentioned below about 10 historical events in Indonesia who are already famous. Events that happen is very influential in the progress of our beloved country.

It is indeed very interesting to be discussed, in addition to considering the merits of the heroes it can also make us more love for the motherland. Therefore you can read some history or events that happened in Indonesia before and after independence.

10 National historical events before and after Independence:

  • Proclamation 17 August 1945

This event is the most important events in the history of Indonesia. This is due to the presence of the proclamation read by President of INDONESIA Sukarno as independence of the Republic of Indonesia of the colonies-colonies of other countries that have befallen us over 350 years.

  • The Establishment Of The Budi Utomo

As it turns out, by the existence of the Organization Budi Utomo became one of the causes of Indonesia merdeka faster IE on August 17, 1945. The organization is also the first national unity organization fighting for independence. Therefore, this incident became one of the 10 historical events in Indonesia that you know.

  • Congress Sumpah Pemuda

The young man has a spirit of tremendous struggle to achieve independence in colonial era words first. By doing so, they joined in some youth organization and conceived the idea of the identity of the nation. In the end it came to Congress Sumpah Pemuda 1 and 2 who always remembered community Indonesia. On this occasion also Indonesia Raya song first time played.
Read also: the type of the type of History

  • Events of G30s/PKI 1965

Events on the events of 30 September movement by the Communist Party of Indonesia being one of the 10 historical events in Indonesia that are never forgotten. Many of the victims who were killed in this incident an example is the hero of Indonesia's own revolution. Even from this incident also led to the existence of the new order from President Soeharto.

  • The Loss Of East Timor

At the time under the leadership of President Habibie is no political turmoil that occurred in Group Fretilin who tries to separate one area of the country, namely Indonesia East Timor. In the end no matter the province set up his own country which at the time was called East Timor in 1999.

  • Round Table Conference

After Indonesia managed to become independent, the Netherlands again coming to Indonesia so that the country we need to struggle to retain its independence. Therefore, held a round table conference to get the recognition of the sovereignty of the country Indonesia by the United Nations.

  • Decree of the President of the 1959

On 5 July 1959, President Sukarno issued a decree Soekarni or better known as presidential decree. As for the content of this decision, namely to re-enact 1945 Constitution, dissolved the constituent Assembly and the existence of DPAS and the MPRS.

  • Trisakti Events

10 historical events in Indonesia that there's one is the Trisakti incident. This incident happened in 1998 which originated from the death of the four students who are in Indonesia because of the shot. Thus, the emerging presence of rebellion because it and other things like the economy and citizens of the high criminality.

  • The first general election 1955

Historic events in Indonesia more is the first elections took place in 1955. Indonesia can choose their own Assembly and members of the House who will be served the first time after ten years of proclamation.

  • The events of November 10

These events occurred in the year 1945 caused the lack of recognition from the allies about the independence of Indonesia. So that caused a lot of bloodshed from the citizens of Surabaya to defend the homeland.

10 historic events in Indonesia that we auto summary based on the famous. But actually it's very much Indonesia's history, ranging from the struggle of the Hero against the invaders until the current reform era. May be useful.


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