Stages Of Drug Rehabilitation

Stages Of Drug Rehabilitation

The abuse of illegal drugs and Narcotics (drugs) showed an increasing trend in Indonesia. Drug rehabilitation is one of the efforts to save the people from the bondage of drugs.

Drug abuse is largely begins with the efforts try in the environmental guidelines. The longer usage, then the risk of addiction is getting high. If continued, then the drug doses used also will be even greater to achieve desired conditions (stoned or high), up to the point of not being able to skip one day without the drug without feeling the symptoms given up drugs (sakau).

Symptoms Of Drug Addiction
Some of the symptoms that indicate someone already in the stage of addiction among others the desire to consume drugs daily or several times a day, the dose required the longer the better, wants using drugs could not be arrested . The user also ensures the supply of drugs continue to be available and willing to spend money just to buy drugs, even willing to do a criminal act to get it.

Some of the symptoms which may occur due to the use of sustainable drug i.e. disorders of thought patterns, memory decrease, as well as a strong desire to feel hard to stem to use drugs.

From the social side, a drug addict looks withdrew from the family and the wider environment and negligent in fulfilling the obligations and activities, such as work or school, too often do risky things that harm themselves and people others, such as driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs.

For teens, it seems the decrease in achievement or be often do not attend school and are not interested in other activities at the school. Seemed to lose energy and motivation, as well as inappropriate dress. Teenage users also seemed increasingly confined yourself and drastic changes in socializing with friends and family.

The Initial Drug Dependency Handling
Key drug rehabilitation is to do it as quickly as possible. For it is necessary a psychiatrist or expert adiksi that can handle the problem of drug addiction.

As other addicts, drug addicts are often denied his condition and asked to perform difficult rehabilitation. Usually it takes the intervention of family or friends to motivate and encourage drug users to want to undergo rehabilitation.

Medical treatment
Treatment with drugs will be made in the supervision of a doctor, depending on the type of drug used. Drug users the type of heroin or morphine, will be given the drug therapies such as methadone. This medication will help reduce the desire do drugs.

Other types of drugs that can be used to help drug rehab, is naltrexone. However, these drugs have few side effects and is only given to outpatients, after he received treatment of detoxification. Naltrexone will deter drug effects in the form of feeling happy, happy, healthy, and meredanya pain, as well as reduce the desire to consume drugs.

Counseling is an important part in treating drug abuse. Counseling done by counsellors against drug users in rehabilitation will help the users identify problems or behaviors that trigger such dependence. Counseling is usually done individually. However, there was a possibility to do counselling in groups.

Counseling program aims to help the recovery, such as restart behavior healthy living strategy or deal with situations that are at risk of drug use again repeated. The Counselor is responsible for understanding how drug addiction on a person as a whole, as well as understand the social environment that exists around it to prevent the recurrence of drug abuse.

Handling to overcome the impact of drug addiction need to involve various aspects, such as aspects of social and moral support from the nearby people and the surrounding environment. Often drug addicts can return to normal activities and live life better after undergoing a medical, plus handling moral support and social good.

Rehabilitation Assistance
For the addict rehabilitation assistance of narcotics and drug abuse in Indonesia refers to Rules together about Handling Narcotic Addicts and Abusers of narcotics into the institution for rehabilitation of published the year 2014. Rehabilitation assistance also refers to Act No. 35 of the year 2009 about Narcotics and Government Regulation No. 25 year 2011.

This second rule ensures the drug users get rehabilitation services are needed and are no longer placed as the perpetrator of the crime or criminal.

They can report on the institution of the recipient of the Report (IPWL) the official spread across Indonesia, which consists of hospitals, Clinics, and Medical Rehabilitation Institutions, whether Government-owned or private. Since established in 2011, now the number of IPWL across Indonesia has reached 274 institutions.

The entire IPWL that are available have the ability do medical rehabilitation, including therapy to deal with symptoms, detoxification programs, disease complications, therapy or counseling. While the IPWL-based hospitals, can also provide medical rehabilitation that requires hospitalization.

Stages Of Medical Rehabilitation
There are three stages of drug rehabilitation that must be traveled, namely:

The first stage, the stage of medical rehabilitation (detoxification), which is the process in which addicts stop drug abuse under the supervision of a doctor to reduce the symptoms of breaking up the substance (sakau). At this stage a drug addict needs to get monitoring in the hospital by a doctor.
The second stage, the stage of rehabilitation of non medical, i.e. with a variety of programs in place, such as the rehabilitation program of therapeutic communities (TC), the religious approach, or moral support and social.
The third stage, the stage of further development, which will provide activities according your interests and talents. Addicts who've made it through this phase can return to the community, whether for school or go back to work.
Application for drug rehabilitation can be made through the online site belonging to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

There are several terms that need to be met before a person can undergo drug rehabilitation program, among others, the completeness of the petition for the rehabilitation, the result of a urine test, the results of a medical examination as a whole, the willingness of parents or the guardian can represent, and other administrative requirements.

Indonesia has also had several drug prevention hospitals, including the hospital drug dependence (RSKO) who was in the area of East Jakarta. The hospital was founded in 1972 that indeed aims to meet the needs of the community, in particular providing health services in the field of drug abuse.

That needs to be understood, the process of releasing themselves from the drug to its users is not easy. In addition to undergoing drug rehabilitation, they also need the support of families and communities to be able to return to live healthy and productive. If you or someone you know is struggling to fight drug addiction, do not hesitate to consult to the psychiatrist.


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