How long does the Drug Usually persist in the blood and Urine?

How long does the Drug Usually persist in the blood and Urine?

Just like the official doctor prescription medicines, illegal drugs and psychotropic substances also has the duration of how long they can "live" in the body after consumption. The more numerous and long a substance can persist in the body, then the more powerful and long-lasting effects of the cure. This is what underlies it does test the urine and blood tests by the authorized potential authorities suspect drug users, or even on a prospective employee/student at the relevant agencies.

Because urine and blood test, can tell them whether you are an active user or not — as well as the types of drugs used. You can pass the test if the results of the test were negative, meaning no drug found in Your body system. Have you ever thought how long drugs in urine and blood will survive?

Urine tests are not always positive for detecting drugs

Tests to check the levels of drug in the body called Toxicology tests or Toxicology screening. Teksikologi test done to check for the presence of deposits of drugs or drug-like chemicals in the urine, blood and saliva.

As you already know, drugs like drugs can get into the body systems with ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed through the skin. The test can also be done on the content of the stomach as well as sweat. But the penultimate is very rarely done.

Toxicology tests can recognize up to 30 kinds of different drugs in a single test. This type of medicine is not limited to the Narcotics only. Toxicology tests also can detect resdiu drug official for the purposes of medical treatment, such as aspirin, vitamins, supplements, even also can detect alcohol content in the blood. 

  • Toxicology screening will be done for some purpose like this.
  • For the purposes of research, for example to know whether cases of overdose of certain drugs can cause symptoms that endanger lives, losing consciousness until the strange behavior. This is usually done within 4 days after the drugs consumed
  • To see the use of illegal drugs that can enhance the ability of the athletes, such as steroids
  • To check for drug use in the workplace or to recruitment processes. Usually this test will be conducted at the place of work as the driver of a bus, a taxi up to the people who work in child care
  • For the benefit of a treatment plan/rescue. Similar to the first point, the skirining drug in the urine and blood can be done on people who experience an overdose of a drug (not necessarily an overdose of illegal drugs; it could just be an overdose of paracetamol which is potentially damaging to the liver)

How does a drug in the urine toxicology test?

Toxicology tests to detect drugs in the body can be different depending on the purposes and the methods used — passing tests of urine or blood tests.
The procedure of a blood test to detect the drug in blood
Drug screening can be done with a blood test at the hospital or health clinic, in the same way as when you draw blood. There is no special preparation before undergoing this test.

Medical personnel in charge of taking your blood will do the following steps:

  • Elastic belts wrapped around your upper arm to stop the blood flow. This makes the blood vessels under the ties are enlarged so as to make it easier to inject the needle into veins
  • Clean the parts to be injected with alcohol
  • Inject the needle into the blood vessels. It may take more than one needle.
  • Pair tubes into the syringe to be filled with blood
  • Releasing the bonds of your arm when taking blood is considered already sufficient
  • Attach the muslin or cotton on the part that was injected, was injected after completion
  • Put pressure on that section and then placing a bandage

Urine test procedures for detecting drugs in the blood

Drug screening can be done with the test urine in a hospital or health clinic, in the same way as when you check urine for certain diseases. There is no special preparation before undergoing this test. But typically there will be officers of the same sex with you who will supervise and make sure you don't enter anything or tamper with the urine sample that can change the outcome of the original.

This is roughly the procedures undergo the test urine for drugs:
  • Wash your hands and make sure you're clean when going to take urine
  • Take a container that is used to put your urine. Do not touch the inside of the containers with your hands
  • Clean Your genitals with a tissue or cloth
  • Begin to urinate as usual, but the urine should be accommodated in the sterile container. Make sure the container is filled about 90 mL of urine
  • After that, make sure Your urine sample is not contaminated by other objects such as toilet tissue, feces, blood, or hair
Typically, a drug in the urine or saliva are easier to detect than with a drug that is in the blood.
How long bertahannya drugs in urine and blood?
The following are the factors that cause drug drugs such as how long it will last in Your body system.

  • The type of tests conducted
  • Large doses of drugs consumed
  • The body's tolerance towards drugs
  • Body metabolism
  • The presence of certain medical conditions
Here is how long it will survive the medicines such as drugs in the urine and blood. It needs to be emphasized, that the information provided here is both knowledge and did not intend to mislead the parties who will do the screening of drug abuse.

  • Alcohol will last 3-5 days in urine and 10-12 hours in the blood
  • Amphetamines will last 1-3 days in urine and 12 hours in the blood
  • Barbiturates will last 2-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in the blood
  • Benzodiazepines will endure 3-6 weeks in the urine and 2-3 days in the blood
  • Marijuana will survive 7-30 days in urine and 5 days-2 weeks in the blood
  • Cocaine will last 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in the blood
  • Codeine will survive one day in the urine and 12 hours in the blood
  • Heroin will last 3-4 days in urine and 12 hours in the blood
  • LSD will last 1-3 days in urine and 2-3 hours in the blood
  • Ecstasy or MDMA lasts 3-4 days and 1-2 days in urine in the blood
  • Metafetamin will last 3-6 days in urine and 2-3 days in the blood
  • Methadone will last 3-4 days in urine and 24 to 36 hours in the blood
  • Morphine will last 2-3 days in urine and 6-8 hours in the blood
The type of the most accurate test to detect drug residue that is left in the body is actually passing a hair analysis. Hair analysis can expose the details of the history of the use of alcohol, amphetamines, heroin, marijuana, morphine in 90 days until the last.


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