4 types of Narcotic popular in Indonesia and the danger for the body

4 types of Narcotic popular in Indonesia and the danger for the body

Drugs (narcotics and illegal drugs) are substances that can affect psychiatric/psychological conditions (thoughts, feelings and behaviour), and may cause physical and psychological dependence. Drugs is divided into 4 groups, groups against Cannabis, Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS), Opiad and Tranquilizer.

  • Marijuana/cannabis cannabis = and hasish (cannabis resin)
  • ATS = amphetamin, katinon, ecstasy and Shabu-Shabu (methamphetamin)
  • Opiad = (putau) heroin, morphine, opium, pethidin, codein, subutek/subuxon and methadone
  • Tranquilizer = luminal, nipam pills koplo, valium, mogadon, camlet, dumolid, cocaine and ketamin
According to BNN, the most frequent type of narcotics consumption in Indonesia is marijuana, heroin, ecstasy and Shabu-Shabu.

The most popular types of narcotic drugs in Indonesia

1. Marijuana

Other names: cimeng, marijuana, gele, pocong

Marijuana is a word used to describe the flowers, stems, seeds and dried leaves of the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa, a plant containing substances modifier commonsense delta-9 tetrahydrocannabiol (THC) and other related compounds.

Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the world, including Indonesia. The survey results by BNN found that marijuana users are at the level of the workers as much as 956,002 people, as many as 565,598 people, students and households as much as 460,039 people.

People using marijuana marijuana with dry/integrate it into hand-rolled cigarettes or into the pipe (bong). They also sometimes empty tobacco in cigarettes and filled with marijuana. In order to avoid the resulting smoke, many people who use vaporizers (vaporizer) which is also often called a bong. This tool can attract active substances, including THC from marijuana and gathered steam in the storage unit. Someone who uses a narcotic drugs of this type would then inhale the pungent, not inhaling the smoke.

Short term effects of marijuana

When someone smokes marijuana, THC will quickly pass through the lungs leading to blood flow. The blood will carry the chemicals to the brain and other organs throughout the body. The body will absorb THC more slowly when there is activity of eating or drinking. Therefore, the typical user would feel its effect after 30 minutes up to 1 hour after usage.

THC is working on a particular brain cell receptors that normally would react to natural substances similar to THC in the brain. These substances have a role in the development and function of the brain. Marijuana will impose the function part of the brain that contains the highest number of such receptors. This will cause users to feel "high" and experience some of the other effects, such as:

  • Changes of awareness of time
  • Mood swings
  • Body movement is interrupted
  • Trouble thinking and solving problems
  • Disruption of memory
  • Long-term marijuana effects

When a using cannabis, then he would feel the decline of intellect, memory, and learning functions and affect the performance of the brain. The effects of cannabis on the issue will be betahan long time or even permanently.

In addition, if used in the long term and high doses of marijuana can also lead to physical and mental effects such as:

  • Respiratory disorders. Smoke marijuana can cause irritation to the lungs that triggers coughing phlegm so, sick of the lung to lung infection.
  • Increase heart rate. Marijuana can increase heart rate after 3 hours of smoking. This can lead to a heart attack.
  • Disturbances in infants. The use of cannabis during pregnancy can affect the brain and behavior in infants.
  • Hallucinations, paranoia and think are irregular.
  •  Prolonged marijuana usage can affect one's mental.

2. Shabu

Other names: metamfetamin, Crystal, meth, chalk, ice

Methamphetamine or commonly known to us as shabu is a very addictive drug stimultan, which is chemically similar to amfetamine. The shape is a white, odorless, bitter and as Crystal. The survey results showed a shabu BNN as narcotics rank 2 is most often consumed by people, i.e. 419,448 people are workers, students and people 151,548 189,799 people households.

Shabu can be consumed with how to eat, entered into the smoking, smoked and dissolved with water or alcohol, and then disuntikan to the body. Smoking or menyuntikan shabu can provide very rapid effects on the brain and will produce intense euphoria. Since the euphoria may fade quickly, users often wear them repeatedly.

Short-term effects of shabu

As a powerful stimulant, shabu in even small doses can increase insomnia and decrease appetite. Shabu can also cause heart problems, including rapid heart rate, irregular heart rate, and increased blood pressure.

Shabu can also increase the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which leads to high levels of the chemical in the brain. Dopamine is involved in motor fingsi towards pleasure and motivation. The ability of the shabu in the melepasakan dopamine to the brain very rapidly so it will produce a sudden and brief euphoria, so users will keep adding the overdose.

In General, these effects are short term shabu:

  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Euphoria and attitude in a hurry
  • Fast heart rate and irregular
  • Hipertermia
  • Long-term effects of shabu

Abuse of shabu in the long run can cause many negative effects such as chronic addiction are accompanied by functional and molecular changes in the brain. Tolerance effects of excitement at shabu will appear when used repeatedly. The user will always take higher doses to get the desired effect, so that their lives will be bound with a drug dependency/. When not eating shabu, they will get the symptoms of depression, anxiety, fatigue, and a strong desire to consume drugs.

In addition, the use of shabu have been shown to have a negative impact on the brain cells of non-neuronal called microglia. These cells support brain health by protecting the brain from agents of infection and remove the damaged neurons. If there is damage to the cells so it can improve a person's stroke that can cause permanent damage to the brain. A recent study even showed a higher incidence of Parkinson's disorders between the former users of shabu.

The following are the long term effects of shabu towards physically and mentally:

  • Addiction
  • The effect of Psychology such as paranoia, hallucinations, and motor activity repetitive
  • Changes in the structure and function of the brain
  • Decreased ability to think and motor ability
  • The weakening of the concentration
  • Lost memory
  • Aggressive behavior or violence
  • Mood disorders
  • Severe dental problems
  • Decrease weight

3. Ecstasy

Other names: E, X, XTC, inex

Ecstasy is the common name for the 3.4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Ecstasy is the synthetic chemicals with complex effects that mimic stimultan shabu and hallucinogenic compounds. At first Ecstasy patented by the pharmaceutical company, Merck, Germany in 1910 and used as a drug to enhance mood and diet.

However, in 1985, the U.S. Drug Enforcement (DEA) prohibits the use of this drug because of its potential as an agent of brain destroyer. According to BNN, Shabu-Shabu is a narcotics rank 3 is most often consumed with the number of users as much as 302,444 workers, 140,614 people and 106,704 households are those students.

Short-term effects of Ecstasy

Users will typically feel the effects Ecstasy 30 minutes after eating. Some of the short-term effects of Ecstasy include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness and fever
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tremor
  • Sweating cold
  • Blurry vision
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Menegangnya mouth, face and Chin
  • Long term effects of Ecstasy

Researchers believe that Ecstasy can cause leakage of serotonin in the brain during its use. Without the proper functioning of neurotransmitters, conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and memory loss will be more likely to occur. This condition will be able to appear in a long time, even after the use has ended.

Here are the long term effects of Ecstasy towards psychology and physical:

  • Boost addiction
  • Panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Daze
  • Not being able to distinguish between reality and fantasy
  • Paranoid delusions
  • Depression

4 Heroin.

Other names: putaw, a powder puff, etep

Heroin or narcotics are highly addictive putaw processed from morphine, i.e. the natural substances from extracts of seeds of certain varieties of poppy plants. Heroin sold by shaped white or brownish powder that has been mixed with sugar, starch, milk powder or quinine. Pure heroin is shaped a very bitter white powder and usually comes from South America.

There is also the black tar heroin which forms sticky and hard, usually produced in Mexico and sold in the U.S. West of the Mississippi River 3. The dark color comes from the mixture of black tar heroin and the rest of the crude oil processing methods. According to the results of the survey on BNN, Heroin is a narcotic type ranked the 4th most widely consumed, with the number of users as much as 33,358 person households, workers and people 29,838 32,782 people students.

Heroin is usually used with smoked, are inserted into cigarette or melted by heating above the spoon and then injected into the blood vessels, muscles, or under the skin.

Short-term heroin effects heroin After entering into the brain, it will be transformed into morphine and binds to receptors opiad. Users usually feel a thrill of excitement in a hurry. However, the intensity of the perceived excitement of users hanging from a large number of drugs consumed.

The following are the short-term effects of heroin:

  • Fever
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • The itch
  • Cardiac function slows down
  • Slowed breathing
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Comma
  • Long-term heroin effects

This drug can change the physical structure and physiology of the brain which can cause nervous system and hormones to become unbalanced in a prolonged period of time. Research shows that the brain damage due to heroin can affect a person in taking decisions, behave, and the response in a stressful situation.

In addition, the following long-term heroin effects to the body:

  • The decline in dental health, marked with a broken tooth and swollen gums
  • Susceptible to various diseases due to decreased immune system
  • The body becomes weak, lethargic, and not powered
  • A bad appetite and malnutrition
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased sexual function
  • Liver or kidney damage permanently
  • Heart valve infection
  • Miscarriage
  • Addicted to causing death


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