Education About HIV/AIDS

Education About HIV/AIDS

Either recently heard from a friend, not intentionally watch TV or read in print or online media, the child who you think is still innocent and naive, suddenly catapult the question about what is HIV/AIDS. Mama must have often heard about HIV/AIDS. However, perhaps because it feels ' far ' from the possibility of being infected, Mama didn't feel the need to find out. Whereas, since the start of the HIV epidemic, circa 1981, AIDS has claimed the lives of more than 25 million people, and more than 14 million children lost one or both parents due to AIDS. 

And, the fact that, aside from the terrible contagion among others through sexual intercourse without a safety net (condoms), blood transfusions that contaminated the HIV virus already, lately the HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia many detected on drug misuse in order to with the syringe, especially among teenagers. Have children ages praremaja indeed should correctly understand the parents of HIV/AIDS. So, can you explain to a heart fruit beloved appropriately.  Preventing far better done from an early age. Well, now is the time ' studied ' about HIV/AIDS expert.  Saiful w. Harahap from the AIDS Watch Indonesia, a very active writing about HIV/AIDS in the media, both print and online, to help you answer questions about HIV/AIDS that may be leveled at child to you.

What the hell is an abbreviation for HIV?

H from Human or human Immunodefiency I of which means your immune system is not working properly. The immune system is a group of cells in the body that we work to keep it from germs that can make you so sick. V of the virus. The virus is a germ that is so small that we cannot see with our eyes. The virus can cause us pain. Viruses change cells into healthy cells and then make our immune system could not work properly.

Keep, how about AIDS?

AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or a collection of symptoms of the disease that strikes one's body.

So, what different HIV and AIDS?

So, it was the HIV virus, while AIDS is a condition when a person infected with HIV has reached a time of AIDS that took place between 5 to 15 years after contracting.

Why do people get hit?

There are 5 the possibility of someone contracting HIV/AIDS, namely:
1. from blood transfusions containing HIV.
2. Via HIV-contaminated syringes, such as a drug addict who used syringes in turn.
3. from a mother with HIV/AIDS to children it contains.
4. from a mother with HIV/AIDS through breastfeeding.
5. Through sexual intercourse (Note: answers are tailored to the age of the child)


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