What are psychotropic substances and the danger?

What are psychotropic substances and the danger?

The use of dangerous drugs at this time began to be misinterpreted. Some types of substances that are able to stimulate the central nervous quite frequently used in vain without the right recipe. Effects of hallucinations and also that poise given drug substance abused as to eliminate depression and also sadness. The type of substance that is able to give the effect of hallucinations and impaired thinking users known as psychotropic substances. The drug is not a type of drug, but its effects can also cause addiction to the continuous disputes with death. To know more clearly about the definition and the danger, check out reviews in summary below.

Understanding Of Psychotropic Substances

Psychotropic substances are substances or drugs that work lose brain function as well as stimulate the central nervous susuan giving rise to reactions in the form of hallucinations, illusions, impaired thinking, feeling that change suddenly, causing a sense of addiction the wearer. This kind of medicine can be found easily at pharmacies, but its use must be in accordance with the prescription of a doctor. The effects of addiction have given different levels, ranging from high-potential cause dependency until light.

Many users who consume the drugs without permission from a doctor. Although the effects of addiction are given including low, but still it can be harmful to health. The data shows the majority of users who are already experiencing addiction, starting from the satisfaction derived after consuming the substance is in the form of feeling happy and calm. Gradually the use began to be improved so that causes dependence. If you've reached level severe, could result in death. The misuse of the drugs can also be affected by threatened imprisonment. That's why, even though some of its benefits is very good for health, but if excess and not in accordance with the advice of a doctor could cause harmful effects.

The Psychotropic Drugs

Have you ever heard of substance Amphetamines? Yes, one of these drugs are in fact included in the types of psychotropic substances. Their use must be in accordance with the prescription of a doctor in order to avoid addiction. A calming effect and gives a sense of happy makes some people deliberately abusing the substance. Whereas its use should not be carelessly because included in illegal drugs. Based on the risk of addiction is produced, the psychotropic substances is divided into 4, among which are:

Psychotropic substances of Group 1

The drugs that are included in this category have a high potential to cause addiction. Not only that, these substances are also included in the illegal drugs that misuse could incur legal sanctions. This type of medication is not for treatment, but only as a knowledge only. Examples of psychotropic substances in Group 1 of them is the DOM, LSD, ecstasy, and others that overall number is 14. The use of these substances provides for its users as well as the hallucinatory effects of changing feelings drastically. Bad effects of abuse can cause addictions that lead to death if it reaches the severe level.

Psychotropic substances of Group 2

The two also have a fairly high dependency risk though not bad the 1. The use of these drugs often used to cure various diseases. Their use must be in accordance with prescribed in order not to give the effect of addiction. The 2 This includes the types of drugs most commonly abused by its use, for example, is Metamfeamin, or Amphetamines Savu, Fenetilin, and other substances there is total number 14.

Psychotropic substances of Group 3

The 3 gives the effect of addiction uncountable. However, its use must be in accordance with prescribed in order not to endanger health. If used with dosage, the system works will also be dropping drastically. In the end, the body cannot awake and sleep until no wake-up. The substance abuse can also lead to death. Examples of substances in Group 3 of them is Mogadon, Brupronorfina, Amorbarbital, and others that there is a total number of 9 types.
Psychotropic substances of Group 4

The 4 does have the risk of addiction is small compared to the other. But still if its use did not receive the supervision of a physician, can cause dangerous side effects including death. The abuse of drugs in Group 4 is quite high. Some of them even can easily be found and often consumed carelessly. As for the example of the 4 of them is Lexotan, Sedativa Koplo Pills, or sedatives, sleeping pills or Hipnotika, Diazepam, Nitrazepam, and many other substances in total there are 60 types.

The dangers and effects of psychotropic drugs

Although the effect of addiction, but the use of such substances is allowed as long as in accordance with the prescription of a doctor. Unfortunately, at this time of life is precisely an excess of normal doses and passes so that the benefits granted thus giving the impact bad for health. There are many dangers and effects penyalahguaan psychotropic drugs, some of which are:


The function body will work higher and passionate until the wearer more awake. The work of the organ certainly become heavy and if the user does not use the drugs, the body becomes weak. The effect of this addiction causes users should always consume the substances agar body condition remain prime. An example of a stimulant which is often abused is Ecstasy and Shabu-Shabu.


This is an effect that is often experienced by users where his perception changed and feel the hallucinatory berelebihan. Examples of substances that give the effect of hallucinogenic one is dope.


The resulting calm effect due to the substance suppresses the central nervous an in-flight job. If used in excess, its users can fall asleep for too long and the unconscious. The most fatal dangers was the cause of death. Examples of substances that are one is a depressant putaw.

Laws of narcotics and psychotropic substances

Psychotropic substances does not equal Narcotic, it is according to the contents of article 1 point 1 of ACT No. 5 of year 1997 on psychotropic substances States that Psychotropic drugs or substances is a good that is natural or artificial is not a narcotic. Improved psychoactive in nature which cause changes in mental activity and behavior.

While in Act No. 35-year 2009 of Narcotics declared that the types of psychotropic substances in Group 1 and 2 are repealed and codified as narcotics Group 1.


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