The role of Education in addressing drug abuse

The role of Education in addressing drug abuse

education in tackling the drug abuse problem in tackling drugs, schools and universities play an important role because schools and universities is a gathering place for young kids who are often used as the target. 

According to the National Police Headquarters, Bareskrim known suspects of drug abusers in the neighborhood ELEMENTARY SCHOOL years 2003 amounted to 88 people and increasing the year 2004 be 407 people. In an environment of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL year 2003 amounted to 632 people and in 2004 increased 968 people, and in an environment of HIGH SCHOOL years 2003 totalling 887 people and in 2004 the rise amounted to become 1511 people.

The school as an institution and the institution has four essential components. First, the schools provide the framework for the planning, implementation and evaluating in an effort
Prevention and reduction of drug abuse (including alcohol and cigarettes). Second, schools provide physical and social environment for the development of students ' health related to educational objectives to be achieved in accordance with the level of education.

Third, help students behave (skills-based drug education) and creating healthy conditions for students. The school was instrumental in shaping the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to select and in later adolescence took the decision not to use the drug. 

From diknas as members of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) one of the tasks and functions to do drug prevention particularly in the school environment and the University. Prevention-based schools and universities (School Based Prevention) easy to implement because schools and universities more structured so that easily held the oversight even though done in a comprehensive and integrated. 

Usually, they are exposed to drugs at schools and universities are generally derived from smoking. In fact, children who are potential abusers becoming drug usually derived from the habit of smoking increases with the subsequently dabbled sucking/consume drugs. From diknas as government agencies charged with handling the issue of education has declared a war against drugs and as one form of fact with the campaign of anti drugs as well as a form of physical fitness of institutions in charge of managing the the problem of drugs.

An effective educational program and area is an important part of the action of countermeasures and prevention of drug abuse. Prevention through education as a process of continuous improvement with the aim of avoiding drugs. Curriculum
and programs that are developed as part of a national strategy to increase the vigilance of the public. Therefore the system of education and motivation of teachers is an important thing that will not be ignored in order to guarantee the siswa-siswinya as well as the student effectively rejecting drugs and choosing how to live a healthy life. 

Thus prepared instructional materials need to issue profits how to live a healthy life free from drugs. But that happened which became an obstacle in education now is not yet the whole teachers have experience and basic knowledge about drugs.

School-based prevention 

Prevention-based schools (School Based Prevention) more easily implemented dikarena school more structured so it can be held despite the supervision is carried out in a comprehensive and integrated. In carrying out prevention education in school curriculum as well as in extracurricular activities related to efforts to improve the quality of life is gradually inserted knowledge or lesson that aims to mensisialisasikan policy the countermeasure and the dangers of drug abuse.

In the implementation of the prevention of drug abuse need school surroundings the steps, as follows, among others, assess the extent of the problem and the magnitude and developing mechanism of pengawasannya. Set clear and consistent kebhijakan that apply to students, teachers and all other personnel in the school environment who completed drug abuse in the school environment is not permitted.

Organise aid programs/children's supporters since kindergarten until students, among others, study groups, alternative activities, counseling for peers, social service work skills, and others. Then expect the participation of parents, and the integrated approach of the school and the community.

The role of teachers and parents as well as students

Teachers and professors have the responsibility and the duty of educating a pupil or student managed to complete his studies. And embarrassed when a pupil or student body fails mainly because things get involved drugs. 

Therefore teachers and professors should be called participated in efforts to prevent and eradicate drug abuse. piqued when things happen, drugs. Therefore, teachers/professors have a duty participate in prevention efforts, the eradication of drug abuse When a child and a family either as students, as well as the nation's next generation youth like this, How could he prospective leader of the nation of Indonesia. 

Of course parents who bear the risk assessment, especially in terms of society, the parents failed in foster families. Even from the parents themselves feel ashamed with neighbors or relatives in the family when there son/son involved drugs. With the above description is expected across the nation Indonesia had similarities of wills must be determined and said "Say no to Drugs".

Parents interested in fostering and rescue the continuity of family harmony and the surrounding environment. Because parents are the first to feel the harmony of families where there are one of the Cubs of case involved drugs. Drugs are involved then the parents are difficult.

Thus parents are obligated to build the son/daughters not implicated drugs, but when a son/daughters of as drug users and mandatory parent then has the right to report it to the authorities as well as early as possible bring the child to the hospital/rehab.

Student must be a role model and the next generation to provide its service to the community, nation, and State in accordance with the Tri Darma Education run by each student. In charge of avoiding themselves from drug abuse, pay attention to the activities of its student friends in order not involved drug abuse, giving advice and guidance to fellow student to avoid drug abuse, inform to the Lecturer or Moved as well as the parents of students about his friend's involvement in drug abuse or conduct a brawl and anarchist. 

Participate in his neighborhood as a good citizen, give guidance and information about the dangers of drug abuse. Report to local police when know, see, and hear about the dangers of drug abuse. 


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