Along with the Economic principles and notions of economic activities

Along with the Economic principles and notions of economic activities

The Economic Activities and economic sense – basically the economy is one of the aspects that occur in everyday life of human beings. These aspects resulted in the existence of a transaction between one individual and another individual that aim to meet the needs of daily living. For example, to meet food needs, then one can acquire it through aspects of economic activity. The trick with Exchange some money for a few pounds of rice (the activity of the jua-beli). There are many more things that pertain to this economy. Then what exactly is the Pengetian Principle of Economics, and his motives?

The Sense Of Economy

Literally the notion the economy is all the effort and human resources in meeting the needs of his or her life in order to achieve a degree of prosperity. Described by Samuelson that the way to meet the needs of it can be done by making use of a particular resource. Human resources are processed to become a goods and distributed to the audience.

While Economics according to Robbins is a branch of science that examines about human activity that arise because of the limitations to achieve a particular goal. In another sense by Mayers explained that Economics is a science that examines the human necessities of life and about how to meet those needs. Later added by Valk that this science is the science that discuss economic behavior and its consequences of such behaviour.
Then how the principles of Economics? In general the economy has some of its principles, the following principles can you know.

Principles Of Economics

1. Principle of Production

On this principle, the economy plays a role in the process of earning a good product in the form of goods or services. The process costs both in terms of moral and material also. For example with the attainment of employment producing certain goods.

2. The principle of Distribution

The next Economic principle is on aspects of distribution. Aspects covering the activities of the distribution (distribution) of a product to the consumer. This activity is usually done with calculation of a good time. So that the goods will arrive at the place of sales with the right time. For example the distribution of fruits and vegetables from the farmers market conducted early morning for the next sale to the consumer.

3. The principle of Consumption

If looking back the economic Sense last then the next principle is the principle of economy of consumption. This principle is the wearing or use of a product to meet your needs. For example, someone buying a cat to give color to the House, so that it can meet the needs of aesthetics in her.
Economic Motives
Furthermore economic motives can be understood as the reason for a person to engage in the activity of the economy. The motif is ultimately aiming to achieve a level of contentment or prosperity. There are several motives in the economy, among which there are motives of the fulfillment of daily needs. For example, someone who always bought rice and side dishes to meet the needs of pangannya. Then there is another motive for profit. Usually these motifs used by the sellers who want the benefit semaksimalnya of goods or services it offers. In addition there is also a motive to get Awards, and tolong-menolong.

Economic Activities

Economic activities or economic activity is activity undertaken in the economic section of people to generate income in the plans fill kebutukan life. Economic activity with the outline includes the production, distribution and consumption. There are three perpetrators of economic activities i.e. production, distribution activities, and also the activities of consumption. In detail, we will explain each of these below.

1. Production Activities

Production activities at its core has the aim to produce goods and services. Production activity can also be done to raise the value of the benefits of the goods as well as services. For example, when wood furniture entrepreneur change so Chair or table, so that furniture entrepreneur essentially central production activities do generate goods and has been because of the service.
Beyond that, the Publisher of the book can be also mentioned the production activity, karna did raise the value of the benefits of paper, so the one book that has knowledge as well as avail higher than when still shaped paper blank.
The goods and services that are created from the production activity, later also will be distributed to reach the customer, so that the customer can fill his needs. Actor's production activity is the manufacturer, which is person, business or corporate body who do the activity of production. Therefore, it is not just a producer of meaning is given on who owns the factory, but also who has a cottage industry.

2. The activities of the distribution

As mentioned upfront, goods that have been through the step of production will also be ready for consumption, however, it must be through a distribution system first, to convince if goods that existed at the time and location that fit the moment the customer needs it. In one of the distribution activity of the economy, so it needs in order to materialize the harmony on the availability of the goods needs. The actor said his own distribution activity as a distributor.
Try colleagues think when in the village of guava fruit-producing no good distribution lines, which will also probably just took place, namely the result of guava fruit production it will not reach the customers that need and ultimately charge will also be rot as well as causing harm to farmers as producers. Think for instance of the thousand islands region also yg does not have cement factory. There is no distribution lines are good, the price of cement in kepulaian thousand will also so expensive until the population will also be so trouble to be able to make his residence wearing cement.
Or another example, when in remote villages no grocery stalls, so each community must go to market which are far just to buy stuff only (e.g. buy a pencil, a batang books as well as others). This sort of thing definitely will also increase the cost that needs to be guaranteed by the public than when there was one stall that could provide the needed goods to the community does not need to remove the cost of transport is expensive to go to the market.
Distribution activities are not the sole activity, but is a blend of various activities, such as transport of goods, packing (packing) of goods, sales to convey (wholesale) traders, buying from the manufacturer, storage shed, Standardization of the quality of the goods, as well as others. Therefore, this activity can have a lot of connecting chains, until eventually the necessary goods can arrive in a fit, at the fitting so that it can be used by the customer.

3. Activities of Consumption

A consumption activity activity for use or reduce the value of goods and services benefits to fill the requirement. The actor was said to be consuming as customer activity. Examples of activities consuming i.e. power consumption so resources to illuminate the shelter at night, the fulfillment of the purposes of the food and clothes is also one amongst examples of activity consumes.
Apart from some of the above, the economy also provides its own contributions to the progress of civilization of a society. So makin good perekonomiannya, it will be the better life of the people. This is also one of the views of the notions of economic growth. So some information related to economic Understanding, principles, and economic activity is in it. Hopefully the information above can be beneficial for you to add your own knowledge is insight.


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