The Basic Concept Of Economics Macro
The Basic Concept Of Economics Macro Unlike the theory of microeconomics, in macro no longer discusses the individual and personal interests including the interests of the company. On the discussion of macro economic theory more towards the interests of the public economy as a wheel on a country. Expenses (Output) and income (Income) = output Sizes are macro > is gross domestic product (GDP). High low GDP a country influenced by technological advances, capital accumulation, and the quality of human resources. If a country is able to adopt advanced technology, have high capital accumulation, and the level of education which shows the quality of the human resource is high, it will have a higher GDP. This is true vice versa. Unemployment rate = > high unemployment levels Result, then the burden is heavy and the country is getting economic growth to be slow due to the national production is low. In addition, unemployment also have an impact on the level of purchasing po...